A Cat’s Craving for Caves and Cocoons


by Nomi Berger


Does YOUR cat cherish her privacy more than you may realize? If so, you’re not alone. Since kitties tend to sleep for much of the day, secluded hiding spots provide them with the purr-fect place to “cat nap.”


Similar to cats in the wild who, for safety from prey as well as for warmth, seek out small caves or dens from which to peruse their surroundings, our domesticated cats search for little “cave-like” areas in our homes to replicate those same feelings. The smaller the space the better, since they prefer having their backs to the wall, ensuring that they’re not only tucked safely out of sight but ever so comfortable and cozy in their tiny “camouflaged” sanctuaries.


Some cats enjoy roaming around underneath your blanket or throw while you’re watching TV on the couch. Others enjoy seeing a bedspread or comforter being shaken into the air and then floating back down onto the mattress when you’re making your bed in the morning. They relish running underneath it, roaming around in the dark with the bedspread or comforter pressing lightly on top of them like the largest, most pleasantly reassuring of cocoons.


And speaking of cocoons. “Cocooning” typically refers to the act of cats wrapping or covering themselves in anything from towels and blankets to articles of clothing and sheets of decorative tissue paper. Not to mention squeezing themselves into extremely tight boxes or even tighter cloth bags. Not surprisingly, cocooning affords them the feeling of safety and security, relaxation and restfulness, inviting them to drift off into satisfying and refreshing slumber.


As caring, conscientious and committed cat owners, you, therefore, play a vital role in fostering your own favorite felines’ natural instincts to “cave,” to “cocoon” or both. Ensure then, that you provide them with a variety of cozy hiding places tucked away unobtrusively throughout your home, be it an apartment or a house, that will greatly enrich their lives and your lives in return.


Doing so creates an environment that acknowledges, even honors, their innate need for security and autonomy. Whether you purchase any of a wide assortment of commercial cat tunnel beds, cat cocoon bed caves and cat caves or create your own hideaways from tents made of plush blankets or a series of cardboard boxes, you will be successfully strengthening the bond between your kitties and you. Expect to be rewarded for your efforts with ample purrs of pleasure and adoring licks of loving delight!



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