The Wonder of White Cats

  by Nomi Berger   Not only are white cats rare and valuable, they are also vulnerable. Why? Because the white of their coat isn’t actually a color, but the ABSENCE of color. And why is this so vital? Because these exquisitely beautiful cats have no protection against the sun’s harmful ultraviolet rays. The variety […]

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A Feline Friendly Thanksgiving

    by Nomi Berger   Thanksgiving is a festive time, filled with feasting, family, and friends. But it’s also a time of potential distress for our feline companions. Any changes in a cat’s regular routine – a calm home now crammed with new scents, sounds and strangers — can send even the least “fraidy […]

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Signs Your Cat May Be Sick

    by Nomi Berger   Has your puss-in-boots lost the spring in her step? Has he turned tail and taken off at your approach? Has she given her food a sudden “paws down”? Has the love light dimmed in his eyes? Then, perhaps all’s not well in kitty town. The more attuned you are […]

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Adopting Cats with FIV

  by Nomi Berger   A cat diagnosed with the Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV) is still an ADOPTABLE cat. What, then, is FIV? FIV is a type of virus called a retrovirus and is in the same family as feline leukemia virus (FeLV). A slow virus, it attacks the immune system over a period of […]

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Adopting Cats with Feline Leukemia

  by Nomi Berger   A cat diagnosed with Feline Leukemia (FeLV) is still an ADOPTABLE cat. What, then, is FeLV? FeLV is a virus that weakens a cat’s immune system, predisposing it to certain infections, severe anemia, and potentially leading to cancer. Most at risk are kittens born to FeLV positive mothers, cats under […]

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Be Special: Adopt a Special Needs Cat

    by Nomi Berger   Their bodies may be imperfect, but their spirit remains intact. So it is said about the special needs cat. Although caring for one can be challenging, more and more people are opening their hearts and their homes and adopting them. For this reason, more and more cats that might […]

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Senior Cats and Senior Citizens

  by Nomi Berger   Familiar with the axiom: “There may be snow on the roof top, but there is fire in the furnace”? Now, imagine it this way: “There may be snow on the fur/hair, but there is fire in the soul.” Not to mention a springy step, a feisty spirit and a loving […]

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The Marvels of Adopting Mature Cats

  by Nomi Berger   How many times have we humans heard the expression, “You’re only as old as you feel”? And why is it that some days, despite our actual age, we feel younger than we are, while other days, we feel older, much older? So it is with our older feline friends, starting […]

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Salmonella in Cats

  by Nomi Berger   Salmonella is the bacterium behind enteritis or salmonellosis in cats and lodges itself in their intestinal tracts. Cats typically contract the infection from the saliva or feces of other infected animals, or from ingesting contaminated meat or foods. Rarely seen in cats and seldom causing complications, most cats will simply […]

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Ringworm in Cats

  by Nomi Berger   Run Rings Around Ringworm Despite its name, ringworm is NOT caused by a worm but by a fungus. Known as dermatophytes, these fungi can infect the skin, hair and nails of any cat anywhere and is highly contagious, easily spreading to other household pets as well as to people. Classic […]

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