by Nomi Berger Are you surprised when you return home to find that your cat has urinated on your sofa or shredded your favorite shirt? Are you receiving complaints from your neighbors that she yowls or mewls all day? Although an underlying medical condition may be responsible for some of these behaviors, the […]
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All Things Cat Column Page by Nomi Berger
Is Your Cat a “Scaredy” Cat?
by Nomi Berger Like people, pets deal with stress in their own particular way. Fear can turn any cat into a fraidy cat, instinctively triggering the fight, flight or freeze response in them. And while some fear-induced behaviors are acceptable and manageable, OVERLY anxious cats require assistance from their caring cat guardians in […]
Continue readingQuiet Cat Breeds and Turning Yours into One
by Nomi Berger Looking for a cat whose mellowness is “music” to your ears? Then, consider the following breeds that are known for being especially quiet, mild-mannered, and easy to get along with. Abyssinian: Famous for her love of heights, she will be fur-ever appreciative of having access to one or more […]
Continue readingPussycats and Purrs
by Nomi Berger For those pondering the how and why of that phenomenon known as purring, numerous theories abound. As for how: Most experts now believe that purrs are created by the laryngeal and diaphragmatic muscles in combination with a neural oscillator in the brain. A message from the neural oscillator to […]
Continue readingThe “Skinny” on Cat Treats
by Nomi Berger Is your cat one who’s never met a treat she didn’t love? Does she meow at the mere sound of a bag crackling, shaking or opening? Does she salivate at the scents wafting her way? Does she purr in anticipation of a tasty dream about to come true? Then yours […]
Continue readingTips for “Tearless” Vet Visits
by Nomi Berger There are more cats than dogs in Canadian homes and yet they visit a vet far less often than their canine counterparts. Why? Because our prescient pusses can sense what’s coming and both dread and detest the entire process of GETTING to the vet. Some kitties become so stressed that […]
Continue readingCats’ Night Crazies Driving You Crazy?
by Nomi Berger All too familiar with frisky felines waking you at 4 AM? Whether it’s to play, snack or cuddle, what’s endearingly amusing during the day is emphatically annoying at night. But then, cats’ internal clocks aren’t humans’ internal clocks, and being nocturnal by nature (they’re most active from middle/late evening until […]
Continue readingPolydactyl Cats
by Nomi Berger Cats with extra toes are called polydactyls, a name derived from two Greek words: “poly” meaning “many” and “daktylos” meaning “digits”. While the majority of cats have 18 toes, with five on both front paws and four on both back paws, it’s not unusual for a large number of […]
Continue readingCats Who Act Like Dogs
by Nomi Berger There’s long been a stereotypical depiction of cats by diehard dog lovers, who consider canines social and eager to please while finding felines aloof and openly independent. There are, however, several pussycat breeds that defy ALL stereotypes, causing both puzzled dog devotees and cat caretakers to pose the question, “What […]
Continue readingLeash Walking with Kitty
by Nomi Berger Walking your indoor cat on a leash not only allows her safe access to the outdoors, but it also provides her with physical exercise and mental stimulation. Whereas some indoor cats much prefer to remain where they are, still others are “hot to trot.” If your indoor cat is […]
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