A Menage a Trois at NTCR

It’s nap time. The cats seem to love these huge floor pillows. (Unfortunately, it can be difficult keeping them clean and sanitary). Here are Brandi, Buddy, and Smiley catching some zzz’s.  Buddy is a large orange tabby who is friendly and likes being with people. Brandi is a darker orange medium sized tabby who is very […]

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Jack in a Box

Well, actually in this case, it’s Duke and Gus in a box. These brothers hang around in their favourite spot, the famous green box. Duke and Gus have found safety and comfort in the green box ever since they arrived at the shelter. They are supreme scaredy-cats, but have recently moved into a new room […]

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Waiting on the Sidelines for a Forever Home

It’s been a year since Tinto (aka Spot) was rescued from a condo construction site. With so many scaredy- cats to visit, it’s been a while since we had a real sit-down and a good scratch. Many people looking for a new furry family member believe that their dream cat will find them. Sometimes, your […]

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Meet Volunteer Tanya

First and foremost, Tanya focusses on her furry charges. Litter is cleaned, floors are washed and food and water are replenished.  One of her major jobs, also, is turning our cats into stars.  Her camera may capture an image but her skill captures a soul.  Hopefully, out in cyberspace, another human soul will make a […]

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Meet Cheeky and Chalky – more scaredy-cats.

Cheeky and Chalky (trapped in the same area as George) have come a long way in accepting human touch.  They are allowing more people to interact with them.  Today NTCR volunteer Pauline gave both a good brushing as well as a head scratch.  Cheeky (being brushed) will now move forward and eat while being groomed.

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More Acts of Teenage Hooliganism at the Shelter

We have a new ringleader at the shelter. When I saw Lady at headquarters I was worried. What she had planned surpassed the past teenage hooliganism acts. If I would have known she was organizing a party for  ∑Δ   (Catta Sigma Delta)   and was ordering the nepeta cataria (catnip), I would have stopped it then […]

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The Story of Fonzie

Here is a picture I just took of Fonzie. Look at how relaxed and happy he looks. Fonzie came in from outdoors (someone’s back yard) and was terrified and unhappy. He was one of our “curtain rod” cats. These cats climb or jump on top of the curtain rod in their room when people get […]

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Another high at NTCR

Our once-feared George is making new friends A while back, anyone turning the handle to enter Room 1 would be greeted with a low rumbling growl.  If you approached the crate of the growler, the lashing out would begin – not the welcome one wants when tending to cat care. After a spending a great […]

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Another Journey Begins – Making Mr. Wonderful Wonderful

Looking forward to seeing “Mr. Wonderful” today. He was trapped late Thursday evening May 8th along with Wonder who began giving birth a few short hours later, at the shelter. Both (along with two others not yet trapped) lived in the huge parking lot of a car dealership in the shadow of Canada’s Wonderland. Talk […]

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