Cats the Musical

For the past two weeks at the shelter there has been a lot of yowling and caterwauling going on. As you approach the room to see what the problem is, the noise stops……. Last week, I was sure I could discern a tune and actual words. It sounded like: Midnight Not a sound from the […]

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One of the Joys of Fostering

Tonight, Mugsy, the little runt in a litter of seven, joined his much larger sibs in being able to eat on his own.  In three days, little Mugsy has gone from direct syringe feeding of KMR (kitten milk replacement) and Recovery to licking wet food from the sides of the syringe to eating independently.     […]

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Giving a Kitten a Step Up

Cats are monitored to ensure good health.  One tool is the scale to see if weights are heading in the right direction.  Another necessary tool, sometimes, is the syringe to make sure  proper nourishment levels are maintained.                                

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Outdoor Cats? Sort of.

With the coming of warm weather, our beasties are enjoying the enclosure.  Many are still baffled by the complexities of the swinging “catty door”  which has to be propped open. Getting closer to observe squirrels and birds is a good thing.

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Climbing the Walls

Yesterday I told you about the new wall shelves that were installed that our cats were using with great delight. When I came into one of the downstairs rooms this morning, this is what greeted me. The shelves are a perfect height for the cats. Existing wrap-around windows with window-sills are above ground and they […]

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Friday’s Topper- A Date with Mr. Wonderful

I invaded his “hidey place” with the business end of the long brush with little low-growl resistance.  The brush worked its magic while I whispered to him and hummed a long-forgotten lullaby. Later, I asked Tanya to take a few pics during a second session with Mr. Wonderful.  Surprisingly, he did wonderfully.  Touching and petting […]

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Up and Down the (wall) Staircase

Came into the shelter last week to a pleasant surprise. Someone has put up high wall shelves in some of the rooms. As it was explained to me (and it is very logical) some cats are “low” (they like it on the floor) and some are “high” (they like it above the floor). And this […]

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A Menage a Trois at NTCR

It’s nap time. The cats seem to love these huge floor pillows. (Unfortunately, it can be difficult keeping them clean and sanitary). Here are Brandi, Buddy, and Smiley catching some zzz’s.  Buddy is a large orange tabby who is friendly and likes being with people. Brandi is a darker orange medium sized tabby who is very […]

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Jack in a Box

Well, actually in this case, it’s Duke and Gus in a box. These brothers hang around in their favourite spot, the famous green box. Duke and Gus have found safety and comfort in the green box ever since they arrived at the shelter. They are supreme scaredy-cats, but have recently moved into a new room […]

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