My Room 5 Cat Colleagues

One of my favourite rooms for placing our socialized “scaredy-cats” is room five.  Chastity is first to welcome recently- crated  cats arriving  nervous in their carriers.   Here, the transition will go more smoothly, not only because of my furry colleages  but because the room is no so large that the newly-released are difficult to […]

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Mugsy Lives Up to Her Name

Like the rabbit in “Monty Python and the Holy Grail”, Mugsy’s small demeanour  can be deceiving. This little beast, just a smidgin over two pounds,  is a force to be reckoned with.                     What began as  a bid for attention has led to leg-climbing and then […]

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Visiting Ma Barker

Thank you, Lorna Jones, for showing me how to begin giving these cats some loving.  There you were placing your hand- albeit inside a heavy-duty welding glove- alongside the crate and gently stroking this beast.  It was, at this point, that working with these cats became a passion. That was in June of 2013.  I […]

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Fostering a Special Soul

Why do Laura and I kitty foster? It fills a need but not ours.  It’s that little furry one that requires special care and meds to survive or the helpless ones that desperately need critical feeding because Momma can’t deliver.  The downside of fostering?  Giving ’em back after they creep into your heart.  So big […]

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One of the Joys of Fostering

After syringe feeding this little one for almost six weeks(at one point, hourly), little Watson has discovered dining on her own.  If a picture is worth a thousand words, this video says it all.  We are thrilled that she is finally gaining weight nicely. Enjoy!!!

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The Troops Arrive at the Shelter

Trooper came to visit today. He was adopted a while ago by one of our volunteers and renamed Rocky, but we still call him Trooper. Every once in a while he comes over to catch up on all the gossip at the shelter and have a play date with his friends. He inspects all the […]

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