When does 1 + 1 = 7 ?

 When 1 unneutered tom and 1 unspayed queen produce a kindle of kittens of course!   ThIs is Shadow.           And this is Ruby.     And this is their kindle. Aren’t they sweet? These lucky kittens were born inside, and have all the resources of NTCR behind them to ensure […]

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Pyometra, yet another reason to spay your cat.

    This is a story about a pretty brown tabby we call Coco. Isn’t she lovely? But she’s not just a pretty face. Coco is what they call a “Hemingway cat”. She is a polydactyl, with six toes instead of five on each of her front feet. And oh my goodness, the cuteness factor! […]

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New beginnings.

Last week at the shelter 3 kittens were born, by a kitty rescued from outside late the night before. Here they are at 3 days old, just before going to a lovely foster home. Thankfully they were not born even 12 hours earlier, outside in the cold…… Now they will never know anything other than […]

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A BIG Thank You!!!

A BIG thank you to Coral and Vivian for holding a baking marathon of cupcakes & cookies and presenting the proceeds in the form of a cheque to NTCR in the amount of $400.00 ! On behalf of all the fur babies at NTCR, thank you Coral & Vivian!

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Have you noticed your cat doesn’t visit her water bowl too often? Don’t worry – it’s normal for a feline. But you still have to make sure she stays properly hydrated.

If your cat never seems to drink much water, don’t be too concerned. She’s not sick. Most cats have a relatively low thirst drive. It’s because their wild ancestors once lived in desert environments, where water was scarce and the only available moisture came from the bodies of prey animals. So is it possible for […]

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