
Hi Donna, I was waiting time to take the photo of Raphael with me or with one of my grandchildren, but he still does not allow to touch him. We have big, but slow progress. He eats, uses his litter box  and does not hide from me and even from my friends. But he still […]

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Midas has been a great pet so far! He has pretty much reserved my left pillow for himself and sleeps there every night. He LOVES food! Every time you open the fridge he’s there, whenever you’re preparing something at the counter he’s there. We’ve also trained him to do some things such as whenever you […]

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Hi Donna, We adopted Prince from you about a month ago and we can gladly say he made himself quite a home here. He was scared for the first few days and hid behind the couch and refused to eat. Slowly, but surely, he started to adapt to his new home and started playing around […]

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Hi Donna and her colleagues, This is Juliana and Mihai writing to you. We adopted Polo from you last week. We wanted to check in and let you know that he is doing very well. He eats and drinks well, he plays a lot, and he is the cuddliest, most affectionate cat ever! We love […]

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Hey Donna, As you may have guessed, I wasn’t able to come home during this week, as I’ve been very busy with school (my first exam is this Sunday). Charlie is doing well; cuddly and affectionate as ever (even to strangers). I’m amazed that he isn’t sick of me yet! Enjoy the pictures! ” order_by=”sortorder” […]

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Hello Donna, I adopted Precious on Saturday and I wanted to give you an update on how she is doing. She is doing wonderfully! She’s such a sweet, good girl. She’s been using her litterbox and loves all of her new toys. She is also now known as Stella ๐Ÿ™‚ I will send another update […]

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Hi Donna and all volunteers, We adopted Mercedes on April 6, 2014 and want to thank everyone there for this wonderful cat. We have called her Angel and indeed she is. She is one of our family and felt at home from the first day she arrived. Your description of her on the website was […]

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Hi Donna! Recently on April 5th we celebrated Angel’s 2nd birthday! She is such a joy in our lives… I’ve attached a couple of pictures to give you an idea of how she’s doing. ~ Jaspreet ” order_by=”sortorder” order_direction=”ASC” returns=”included” maximum_entity_count=”500″] << BACK to Love Letters  

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Our Kumari Is Settling In

Hi Donna, Night one down. She is doing very well. She is eating, using the litter, talking purring and playing. As you can see below she is making herself very comfy. Nap time in the box now. We LOVE her energy and is a wonderful addition to our home. Thank you for saving her and […]

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Hemmingway, Coconut and Caraway

Hi Donna,  Just a quick note to let you know how Hemmingway is doing.  First off we have decided to keep Hemmingway as his name however, I also love to call him Hemmi for short sometimes.    He is currently  hanging out in his very own room with a bay window view.  We have a large […]

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